Essential Oils for Stress Reduction

Long days on the job can quickly begin to feel stressful and cause fatigue if we’re not able to take the time to relax and decompress. Did you know that essential oils can be very useful in assisting with relaxation, and when combined with other healthy practices, can help to alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety while also assisting you in getting a restful nights sleep naturally?

Essential oils are natural compounds extracted from plants or their parts that have been used for centuries in cultures around the world. There are various ways to use these oils including aromatherapy, applying them topically or by ingesting them. Aromatherapy is popular since smell is such a powerful trigger for emotional responses. By inhaling the scent of an essential oil, its molecules enter your body via your nasal cavity and can stimulate a response in the limbic system of your brain where functions such as your heart rate, breathing patterns, hormone production and blood pressure are regulated. Using oils through direct inhalation, adding to a bath or diffusing them are all simple, but effective ways to reap their benefits. Some people prefer to use oils topically, but since they are so robust it’s usually best to dilute them in a more commonly used carrier oil such as coconut, almond or olive. And finally, a simple yet effective way to consume them is to add a drop of oil in a glass of water or in a teaspoon with honey. If you’re a more experienced user, you can simply add a drop or two underneath the tongue allowing the compounds to pass more quickly into your bloodstream and travel to the areas of your body where they’re needed.

Top 5 Favorite Relaxing Oils

  1. Lavender is considered to be the most commonly used essential oil due to its versatility. It is both calming and relaxing to the nervous system and is an effective treatment for insomnia that goes back hundreds of years. The International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice published a study in which they found that taking 80mg capsules of the lavender oil daily reduced feelings of anxiety, promoted restful sleep and alleviated symptoms associated with depression. A few drops on fabric, like your pillowcase, may be enough to diffuse the scent throughout the air and reap these benefits. I like to put a couple drops on my fingers, rub my hands together quickly creating a warm friction and then cup my hands over my nose and mouth slowly inhaling deeply a few times to feel almost immediate relaxation.
  2. Rose is only second to lavender for its uses in relieving feelings of anxiety and depression as well as assisting with panic attacks and shock. It is considered to be generally helpful with boosting the emotions, whether you’re suffering from grief, anger or depression, rose oil may be able to help you relax. Try blending a couple drops of lavender with a couple drops of rose oil in a bath or diffuser for a luxurious spa-like experience. It should be avoided by pregnant women.
  3. Valerian is one of my go-tos for a natural sleep aid. It alleviates feelings of restlessness or stress and is effective for reducing anxiousness while creating a sort of stabilized, grounded sensation. It blends well with lavender oil and can be diffused in a room you use often or diluted 1:1 with a carrier oil of your choice to be applied topically to your temples. Since it acts as a mild sedative, machinery should not be operated after its use. It should be avoided by pregnant women.
  4. Vetiver is another oil that can bring on calmness in times of stress. A 2012 study done by the journal of Biomedical Research showed that participants exposed to vetiver while focusing on visually demanding tasks reacted faster than those who were not. So although you should not be operating heavy machinery after using this oil, as it is also known to be mildly sedative, it may assist in calm focus while performing mentally challenging tasks. It also makes an excellent massage oil for rubbing away aches and pains, try mixing 10 drops into 1 oz of the carrier oil of your choice.
  5. Frankincense provides a calming and tranquil energy known to help deepen meditation by quieting the mind. A study published by the Journal of the FASEB proved that receptors in our brains reacted to an element in the resin of the Frankincense called incensole acetate, which had anxiety reducing and anti-depressive effects. It’s been known to have been used as long ago as Biblical times and is incorporated in high-end beauty and anti-aging products for its antibacterial properties, ability to heal scars and promote youthful looking skin. Some take a drop under the tongue in daily for its cell regenerative properties. It should be avoided by pregnant women.

What are some of your favorite essential oils and how do you use them?

CAUTIONS FOR GENERAL ESSENTIAL OIL USE: Only pure, high quality therapeutic grade oils without chemicals or additives should be used. Skin sensitivity can occur, it’s best to test a small dab on your wrist before using in higher quantities. If a rash occurs, discontinue use. Different oils can react differently for different people and caution should be used, especially with pregnant women or young children.

Disclaimer: Talk with your doctor about ways to deal with stress, anxiety and insomnia naturally. Check with your doctor before making major diet and exercise changes. If you’re taking any medications, check to be sure there are no drug interactions with any natural supplements you plan to use.
