Cliff Notes of Proposed Guidelines for a Safe Return to Work

            As many of us are anxiously awaiting work to continue, one thing we believe all persons in the industry can agree with are that things will be different. The Unions fight for their members, the Producers are trying to appease everyone, and hopefully the Studios are listening.

            We can anticipate additional steps to procedures, constant disinfecting of equipment and work areas, a health and safety crew to oversee procedures, and tests throughout the work week to name a few. Let’s dive into the safety guidelines that are proposed to help with keeping the cast and crew as safe as possible until a vaccine is found for COVID-19. The Zones are currently labeled with letters ABC, but may be executed by colors, Red, Yellow, Green.

             Testing will become the new normal to best assure the safest environment. The proposed Zone system released as The Safe Way Forward, will help to keep a structure in terms of what areas a certain group will belong and the suggested amount of times they’ll be tested throughout the week. Currently the most reliable and recommended test is nasopharyngeal testing done through the nose although an oropharyngeal swab done in the throat are also effective. There are different ways to test that will ultimately come down to what has been agreed upon.

  • Zone A is the area where no personal protection, face coverings, or masks are used and social distancing is inevitable. These are performers on set working with the necessary crew in that space. Persons in this area should be tested at least 3 times a week.
  • Zone B will be every other area Production is conducting any type of work activity. This area will be strongly enforced for use of PPE and social distancing. Zone A clearance will cross paths with Zone B areas, but will be preplanned and monitored by Zone B. Persons in this area should be tested at least once a week.
  • Zone C is everywhere else the employee goes after work is completed for the day and the reason for continuous testing throughout a work week.
  • There will be no access to Zones A or B without being tested 24 hours prior to initial entry.

To help implement a chosen system agreed upon by Producers and Unions, a Health Safety Supervisor position will be created along with a Health Safety Department consisting of a Manager and staff. A hotline or communication system will also be created to address questions or concerns from Cast & Crew with the ability to do anonymous reporting.

      Unfortunately, there will be no way to guarantee a COVID-19 free environment, but working together we can all help to structure the new norm and make it possible to return to work.

 The Safe Way Forward guide has been released by SAG-AFTRA created by the DGA, SAG-AFTRA, IATSE, and Teamsters. Click here to download the full guidelines.

Disclaimer: This is an interpretation of released articles and guides to highlight specific information. Discuss any questions or concerns with your Union or Producer.
